Here's how the balcony here in the early hours of last Saturday, when Acromyrmex were flying.
An antfarm of Acromyrmex cf. octospinosus. The perfection of living in community is expressed through the ants. Nature is teaching us the best way.
quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012
Revoada - They are flying!
Veja como ficou a varanda aqui, na madrugada do último sábado, quando as acromyrmex estavam revoando.
Here's how the balcony here in the early hours of last Saturday, when Acromyrmex were flying.
Here's how the balcony here in the early hours of last Saturday, when Acromyrmex were flying.
segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2012
Fim do cultivo... (+ ou -)! - End of the cultivation... (+ or -)!
Como você viu nas postagens anteriores, eu coloquei mais uma quantidade grande de fungo de atta para a rainha acromyrmex. Neste final de semana quando fui ver o frasco desta rainha todo cultivo de fungo estava morto e espalhado. O que terá acontecido? Com certeza o fungo de atta se sobrepôs em desenvolvimento ao fungo das acromyrmex. Eu então tirei o fungo morto e coloquei este pedaço de fungo de acromyrmex para a rainha reiniciar a cultura.
As you saw in previous posts, I put over a large amount of fungus atta to the queen Acromyrmex. This weekend when I went to see the jar of this queen all this fungus was growing dead and spread. What has happened? Surely fungus atta overlapped in the development of Acromyrmex fungus. I then took the dead fungus and put this piece of Acromyrmex fungus to restart the queen culture.
3 Among them were separated and I'd put them in that queen who had previously rejected the larvae that I put to her, because it is a culture that was made from a mixture of atta and Acromyrmex fungus. The surprise was that it quickly accepted. See how it fit the more mature larva in fungus, so that only the head is apparent. Let's see how this plays out.
As you saw in previous posts, I put over a large amount of fungus atta to the queen Acromyrmex. This weekend when I went to see the jar of this queen all this fungus was growing dead and spread. What has happened? Surely fungus atta overlapped in the development of Acromyrmex fungus. I then took the dead fungus and put this piece of Acromyrmex fungus to restart the queen culture.
A rainha começou logo a cuidar do fungo. Mas depois desisti, em função da quantidade de formigas, imaginando que as mesmas consumiriam o fungo sem possibilitar que a cultura avançasse. Então retirei as larvas e coloquei de volta para as atta.
The queen soon began to take care of the fungus. But then I gave up, because of the amount of ants, imagining that they consume the fungus without enabling culture to move forward. So I removed the larvae and put back into the atta's jar.
Dentre elas separei 3 e coloquei naquela rainha que anteriormente tinha rejeitado as larvas que eu coloquei pra ela, pois a mesma está com uma cultura que foi feita a partir da mistura do fungo de atta e acromyrmex. A surpresa foi que ela aceitou rapidamente. Veja como ela encaixou a larva mais madura no fungo, de maneira que somente a cabeça fica aparente. Vamos ver como isso se desenrola.
3 Among them were separated and I'd put them in that queen who had previously rejected the larvae that I put to her, because it is a culture that was made from a mixture of atta and Acromyrmex fungus. The surprise was that it quickly accepted. See how it fit the more mature larva in fungus, so that only the head is apparent. Let's see how this plays out.
sexta-feira, 18 de maio de 2012
Attas adotadas III - Adopted Attas III
Ontem exagerei na quantidade de larvas retiradas da colônia das attas, e acho que pode virar um problema. Se não estou enganado hoje pela tarde vi uma operária com uma perna de uma das larvas. Será que estão matando o excesso delas? De qualquer jeito as fotos de ontem a noite estão interessantes. Seguem abaixo.
Yesterday I exaggerate the amount of larvae removed from the colony of Attas, and I think it may become a problem. If I'm not mistaken today afternoon I saw a worker with a leg of one of the larvae. Are they killing over them? Anyway the photos from last night are interesting. Below.
Yesterday I exaggerate the amount of larvae removed from the colony of Attas, and I think it may become a problem. If I'm not mistaken today afternoon I saw a worker with a leg of one of the larvae. Are they killing over them? Anyway the photos from last night are interesting. Below.
A rainha e a operária cuidando da larva
The queen and the workers taking care of the larva
As operárias attas cuidando das larvas. Ao fundo o alvéolo lotado de larvas de attas.
The atta workers caring for larvae. At the bottom the socket crowded with larvae of attas.
quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012
Attas adotadas II - Adopted attas II
Na foto abaixo podemos perceber a atta mais solta, assim como a rainha. Então a dúvida anterior quanto as formigas estarem se rivalizando já tem uma resposta: Tudo está correndo muito bem!
In the picture below we can see the atta feeling more free, as well as the queen. So the earlier question about if the ants are rivaling already has an answer: Everything is going very well!

In the picture below we can see the atta feeling more free, as well as the queen. So the earlier question about if the ants are rivaling already has an answer: Everything is going very well!

Depois de fazer a foto
anterior peguei das attas mais uma quantidade de fungo, e coloquei para a
rainha acromyrmex.
After making the previous photo I took of from the attas another amount of fungus, and I did put it to the acromyrmex queen .
Peguei também uma nova
quantidade de larvas de attas para serem adotadas.
I took also a new number of attas larvae to be adopted.
E nesta foto vemos a rainha e
as operárias adotadas se reunindo no alvéolo, onde elas mesmas reuniram as
larvas de attas que acabei de colocar no pote. Neste alvéolo também estão umas
larvas minúsculas da acromyrmex, que também estão sendo cuidadas por
suas irmãs adotivas.
And in this picture we see the queen and the adopted workers gathering in the alveoli, where they met the same larvae attas that I just put in the pot. In this alveolus are also some tiny larvae of Acromyrmex, which are also being cared for by their stepsisters.
And in this picture we see the queen and the adopted workers gathering in the alveoli, where they met the same larvae attas that I just put in the pot. In this alveolus are also some tiny larvae of Acromyrmex, which are also being cared for by their stepsisters.
quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2012
Attas adotadas - Adopted attas
Apenas pelo tamanho é possível afirmar que estas primeiras operárias são filhotes da rainha atta. As fotos ficaram bacana e percebi a rainha escondida à esquerda. Espero que ela esteja assim apenas porque eu abri o pote, e não por estar se escondendo das filhas adotivas.
Detalhe do esconderijo das 2 attas.
Mais uma foto
No detalhe desta foto podemos ver algo muito interessante ao fundo; a operária atta maior cuidando de uma larva, que provavelmente é de acromyrmex. Infelizmente a máquina focou na primeira atta, mas não vão faltar oportunidades de se fazer fotos interessantes.
In the detail of this picture we can see something very interesting in the background, the 'worker atta', the largest, is nursing a larva, which is probably Acromyrmex. Unfortunately the camera focused on the first atta, but there will be plenty of opportunities to make interesting photos.
terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2012
segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2012
Acromyrmex gigante - Giant acromyrmex
Vejam a discrepância no tamanho das rainhas! Compare o tamanho das cabeças. Vou manter esta super rainha, é claro!
See the discrepancy in size queens! Compare the size of the heads. I'll keep this super queen, of course!
A foto abaixo foi feita no domingo, 2 dias depois de capturada e de receber fungo de rainhas acromyrmex, e da colônia de atta. Já que esta rainha não iniciou sua própria cultura. O interessante dela é que ela não construiu alvéolos como as outras. Mas fica construindo um bolo de fungo de um lado, pra depois desconstruir e construir outro bolo num outro lado. Como se estivesse misturando os 2 fungos. O bolo da esquerda está sendo desconstruído pra que ela construa o bolo da direita. Vamos ver no quê que dá!
The photo below was taken on Sunday, two days after getting captured and to receive another acromyrmex queens fungus, and from the colony of atta. Since this queen did not start their own culture. Interestingly it is that it has not built, like other, alveolus. But it is building a fungus ball on one side, then to deconstruct and construct a ball in the other side. As if it's mixing the two fungi. The ball on the left is being deconstructed to build the ball in its right. Let's see what grows from that!
See the discrepancy in size queens! Compare the size of the heads. I'll keep this super queen, of course!
A foto abaixo foi feita no domingo, 2 dias depois de capturada e de receber fungo de rainhas acromyrmex, e da colônia de atta. Já que esta rainha não iniciou sua própria cultura. O interessante dela é que ela não construiu alvéolos como as outras. Mas fica construindo um bolo de fungo de um lado, pra depois desconstruir e construir outro bolo num outro lado. Como se estivesse misturando os 2 fungos. O bolo da esquerda está sendo desconstruído pra que ela construa o bolo da direita. Vamos ver no quê que dá!
The photo below was taken on Sunday, two days after getting captured and to receive another acromyrmex queens fungus, and from the colony of atta. Since this queen did not start their own culture. Interestingly it is that it has not built, like other, alveolus. But it is building a fungus ball on one side, then to deconstruct and construct a ball in the other side. As if it's mixing the two fungi. The ball on the left is being deconstructed to build the ball in its right. Let's see what grows from that!
O fungo - The fungus
Na imagem vemos o fungo de atta completamente integrado à estrutura criada pela rainha acromyrmex. Mas se não estou enganado, percebo que o fungo da acromyrmex, de cor esbranquiçada, está se sobrepondo ao fungo da atta, de cor amarelada. Como se o fungo da atta estivesse servindo de alimento para o da acromyrmex. Interessante! - Outra coisa interessante é que apenas na foto foi que eu vi, que no alvéolo de fungo tem uma operária prestes a nascer. Consegue ver?
In the picture we see the fungus atta completely integrated into the structure created by the acromyrmex queen. But if I'm not mistaken, I realize that the fungus of Acromyrmex, whitish in color, is overlapping the fungus atta, yellowish. As the fungus atta were serving food to the Acromyrmex. Interesting! - Another interesting thing is that the only picture I saw was that the alveolus of fungus has a worker about to be born. Can you see?
In the picture we see the fungus atta completely integrated into the structure created by the acromyrmex queen. But if I'm not mistaken, I realize that the fungus of Acromyrmex, whitish in color, is overlapping the fungus atta, yellowish. As the fungus atta were serving food to the Acromyrmex. Interesting! - Another interesting thing is that the only picture I saw was that the alveolus of fungus has a worker about to be born. Can you see?
sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2012
Mais um experimento - One more experiment
Ontem recebi de Leandro 100 gramas de fungo de atta, para que eu possa experimentar algo. Para que ele sobrevivesse a viagem ele mandou o fungo com uma quantidade de operárias para dar manutenção ao mesmo, e assim o fungo chegou bacana. Aproveitei e conectei o pote plástico no qual o fungo chegou a um outro para que elas pudessem coletar comida para o fungo.
Yesterday I received from my friend Leandro 100 grams of atta fungus , so I can try something. For it to survive the trip he sent the fungus with a number of workers to service the fungus, and so it arrived well. I connected the plastic pot in which the fungus had arrived in another, so that they could collect food for the fungus.
Yesterday I received from my friend Leandro 100 grams of atta fungus , so I can try something. For it to survive the trip he sent the fungus with a number of workers to service the fungus, and so it arrived well. I connected the plastic pot in which the fungus had arrived in another, so that they could collect food for the fungus.
My aim was to check whether acromyrmex cultivate the atta fungus, which is another species. Can you clearly see different coloration between the two types of fungus. In the photo acromyrmex had collected the pieces of fungus atta and attached to their own culture, that is ... Total success.
Uma vez que as questões com o fungo já ficaram claras, decidi fazer algo mais ousado. Será que as acromyrmex adotariam as larvas das attas? Coloquei 2 larvas para esta rainha que as rejeitou. Carregou pra longe e largou lá como se fosse lixo.
Once the issues with the fungus has become clear, I decided to do something edgier. Would acromyrmex adopt attas larvae? placed 2 larvaes for this queen, but it was rejected. The queen carried away the larvaes and dropped there like garbage.
However this Acromyrmex queen accepted the larva of atta. an't we begn to question the supremacy of instinct? In the photo we see the queen to catch the larva from the bottom of the jar and place it over the alveolus of fungus ... Carefully.
Uma vez que esta rainha demonstrou este instinto materno, ;^) coloquei pra ela 2 das larvas que foram rejeitadas pela outra rainha. Na foto vemos a mesma colocar uma atta grande num estágio de pupa, num alvéolo inferior, enquanto aparece na mesma foto uma atta num estágio de pupa menor se sobrepondo a larvinha anterior, no alvéolo de cima.
Once this queen showed this maternal instinct, ; ^) I'd put to her two larvae which were rejected by another queen. In the photo we see that queen put a big atta in a pupal stage, in an alveolus below, as it appears in the same picture one atta in a pupal stage overlapping the lower little larvae in the alveolus above.
terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2012
A cultura de fungo bombou - The culture of fungus grows fine!
De vento em popa segue desenvolvendo a cultura de fungo.
Goes, from strength to strength, developing the culture of the fungus.
Goes, from strength to strength, developing the culture of the fungus.
quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012
A rainha-princesa ;^) - The princess-queen ;^)
Esta rainha está disfarçada de princesa. Veja que está cultivando 2 culturas de fungo (Nunca tinha acontecido antes!). Esperemos que ela esteja fecundada e que nestes bolinhos de fungo haja ovos!
This queen is disguised of princess. See that it is cultivating two amount of fungus (never happened before!). Hopefully it is fertilized and that these dumplings of fungus there are eggs !
No tubo - In the test-tube
Uma delas está num tubo de ensaio. E se dando muito bem. É quem tem a maior quantidade de fungo, pois a sua cultura está bem compacta.
One of them is in a test tube. And it's doing very well. It's the one which has a greater amount of fungus, because its culture is very compact.
Cultura de fungo - Fungus cultivation
Todas as rainhas estão trabalhando em seu cultura de fungo. Dêem uma olhada em algumas!
All queens are working on their fungus cultivation. Take a look at some!
All queens are working on their fungus cultivation. Take a look at some!
No entanto esta abaixo, que é a maior das rainhas, tinha apenas uma bolinha pífia de fungo enquanto as outras estão numa produção bastante ativa. Assim peguei um pouquinho de fungo de uma outra formiga, juntei a este montinho a sua bolinha, e ela se animou a cuidar de tudo. O que eu não vi foi que quando eu peguei a quantidade de fungo de uma outra rainha, peguei também uma quantidade de seus ovos, que podem ser vistos presos ao fungo.
However this below, which is the largest of the queens, had only one tiny fungus ball while others are quite active in production. So I took a little bit of another ant fungus, joined to this amount her little ball, and the queen happilly started to take care of everything. What I did not see was that when I took the amount of fungus from another queen, also picked up a number of their eggs, which can be seen stuck to the fungus.
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